* Extract the content of the .zip file
* Once you extracted all the required files, run "dccrap.exe"
* Disconnect to the internet and plug your USB Modem with a different provider SIM. (for Huawei users, you dont need to swap any SIM). And insert your modem to the USB port.
* Choose what "manufacturer" that your modem is. (Huawei Datacards or ZTE Datacards... choose that matches on your Modem.)
* Click the magnifying glass, and it will search for plugged USB modems.
* Once the modem is detected, go to login page, type whatever you want. It's just a lame login system.
* Click Unlocking menu, then choose "unlock".
* Wait till the unlocker program says that, unlock is successfully done.
* Voila, enjoy your unlocked Modem.
Modems that's been unlocked by this software
- zte MF100
- zte MF626